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    May 1, 2018 | Blog | admin
  • The colorful backyard landscapes that abound in spring and summer are generally made up of two types of plants – Annual and Perennials.  But, what is the difference and how do you determine which is best suited for you?

    Annuals.  Petunias, marigolds, poppies, snapdragons and sunflowers are among some of the most popular annuals.  These are plants that go through their entire life cycle in one season and require attentive pruning and fertilizing.  While they are less expensive to purchase than perennials, the fact that they must be purchased and planted each year makes them a more significant lawn and garden investment.  

    Perennials. Among the most popular and well-known perennials are daylilies, Hosta, black-eyed susan, peonies and roses.  While their blooms do not last long, these plants are long-lived and will continue to grow and spread for multiple seasons.  They are less time-intensive when it comes to maintenance, though they do need to be divided every few years to keep them from spreading beyond their boundaries.  

    When deciding which is right for your lawn or garden, first consider the conditions of the area in which you want to plant.  What type of soil do you have? How much sun exposure will they get? Is it a windy area? Fortunately, most plants are sold with handy reference tags that allow you to assess whether you can provide conditions ideal for the plant to thrive.  

    Next, consider how much time you are willing to invest.  Annuals can certainly be more vibrant, but they require close attention to water, fertilization and pruning.  If you’re not up to the task, perhaps you’re better suited for the more “independent” perennials.

    Our recommendation for a lovely landscape is to incorporate a mix of annuals and perennials.  Many of these flowers co-exist quite well and, if carefully laid out according to a well thought-out design, will result in vibrant color that extends from spring through to the end of summer.  If you’re looking for ideas, feel free to give us a call!